Annual Dinner Party 2019


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This year's Chinese New Year was in the beginning of February, hence so many annual dinner parties were held in January. We will introduce about annual dinner parties this time.

▼ Company annual dinners in Hong Kong would usually take place before Chinese New Year

First of all, the annual dinner banquets in Hong Kong are long. The reception usually starts at around 6:00 – 7:00PM, but the dinner will last until around 11:00PM. Basically, the dinner gathering will be held for the entire evening.

▼ The dinner parties would always be crowded with couple hundreds of guests

▼ Mr. Okazaki from Kansai Paint also attended the dinner banquets

The celebration would go as big as 200-300 guests per annual dinner party, and almost every day in January would have such parties being featured. Apparently, Kansai Paint was the only invitee with Japanese representatives joining these year-end banquets. We do believe this is our way to appreciate healthy business relationships with our clients, and to wish each other even greater success in the new lunar year.

▼ Guests gathered by the host to have a group toast before dinner

▼ Lucky draw is a common tradition in these dinner gatherings

▼ These ladies received red packets by winning a fun and entertaining game - beer chugging contest! 






日系メーカーで日本人が毎回参加しているのは関西ペイントだけですが、 大変人気があるせいか200-300人規模の会に連日招待されるため、1月の最後の方は 有難い事ですがヘトヘトでした。

雰囲気は日本と全く同じで、1年間の労をねぎらいながら盃を交わし合う 楽しく盛り上がる最高の場です。