Hearty Felicitations from Kansai Paint!

今回は香港のお祝いごとをご紹介します。香港では年末のクリスマスから旧正月明けまでは、街が色とりどりのネオンで最も美しく着飾られ、各種のお祝いやパーティーが催されます。 建築業界も中国式の宴会が各所で開かれ、我々もご招待を受けます。基本的に参加者は全て 香港の方々であり、我々関西ペイントのように日本人が参加する例はほとんどありません。実際去年の暮れから今年の旧正月明けまで10回を超えるパーティーに参加しましたが、日本人の出席は我々だけでした。

当然ながらそうなると各建築業界のトップにご挨拶をする機会も増え、業界の色々なお話をお伺いすることもできますし、何より日本人が現場にも社交の場にも関わることで、日本の会社としてのプレゼンスを出すことが出来ます。むろん、日々一緒に現場でやり取りをしている ご担当の方々とは、一年に一回、ゆっくりと飲み明かせる時間でもあります。

中国や香港の方々は、人と人との関係を大切にし、友人を“おもてなし”する気持ちは日本人に負けないものがあります。またメンツを大事にする中国の方々は、外国人が自分の主催する パーティーに参加することで自負心を得ることができます。そこに日本の会社が日本人を通じて彼らの社会に溶け込もうとする真摯で真剣な熱意をもって酒の席に参加するわけですから、非常に好印象を持って頂けること間違いありません。日本でも忘年会や新年会シーズンにお座敷がかからない営業は仕事でもなかなか成功しないという例があるかもしませんが、関西ペイントは香港市場において、パーティーの席ですら、友人=パートナーとして遇されています

In Hong Kong, Christmas till Lunar New Year is believedly the most festive and enchanting months of the year for having the whole city illuminated with glowing and glittering decorative lights.

Most companies choose to host their annual dinner within these months to escalate the fervour of celebration, right when a fruitful year ended and in turn a prosperous start for business shall be greeted. This remains a tradition in Hong Kong for businessmen to express their gratitude for good work and health.

Group photo at the annual dinner of Hong Kong General Building Contractors Association (GBCA).
Kansai Paint representatives were glad to have met Mr. Ating Cheng, Vice President of GBCA, and Mr. Yu Wai-wai, J.P., from Henderson Land Development at the gathering.

▼ Kansai Paint was invited to join our valued client's 30th corporate anniversary dinner.
Mr. Komiya, president of Hong Kong Komiya Co. Ltd., gave an opening speech.

▼Annual dinner with our client Double Gain Eng. Ltd., with tables of guests enjoying the meal

▼ Dinner party with our client Figure Well Ltd. for their 20th anniversary

▼Annual Dinner with The Park Lane Hong Kong Group

▼ Stunning wedding banquet of our client, wishing them a happy marriage!

▼ It was a pleasure to have been invited as the friends of parents at this wedding, a rather touching moment to see our client gives away his daughter to his son-in-law

Despite being a non-local in Hong Kong, Kansai Paint has been invited to these traditional gatherings many a time, some to celebrate our clients' harvest and success in each year's worth, while some to congratulate our clients and even their offspring for their newly wedded lives. For over a dozen events we have been invited to in the past quarter, we seldom see the presence of any foreigners, let alone Japanese. That being said, it has always been our greatest pleasure and honour to be so warmly welcomed at these gatherings.

▼ God of Wealth hands out red packets to the guests. Kansai Paint representatives follow the customs. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

▼ Lion Dance is a signature tradition which gets performed only at special occasions and celebrations

As a foreigners, we are often fascinated with the Chinese cuisines served at these traditional dinners,such as Hong Kong Style Roast Goose, Barbecued Suckling Piglet, Double Boiled Abalone, and Steamed Dried Scallop in Daikon Ring.  

Chinese people care a lot about hospitality, and having an enormous amount of guests is their pride and joy, especially when foreigner friends attend. It is definitely a good chance to see many of our VIPs in the field, and with mutual respect they gladly receive our presence. Not only that, they are always intrigued by our discussions of current events, latest advanced technology and other hot topics in Japan. It looks like exchanging market information is not the only common topic of interest. This is also the time when we chill and relax over wine and dine with the people whom we meet and cooperate with for our projects.


It is at times like this when we establish mutual constructive relationships built upon trust. We are absolutely delighted to be treated as a friend and even partner in the eyes of our valued clients.