HK ArchSD - CPD Seminar
ちょっと古い話になりますが、去年、香港政府の建築署改修部門にてCPDセミナーを実施しました。これは生涯学習を目的とした政府のエリート養成のためのセミナーですが、塗料のメーカーでこのセミナーを開催できたのは関西ペイントが初めてです。なぜ今頃この話題を出すか? それは、このような地道な活動が実を結んで、今夏の学校改修の受注に大きくつながったからです。価格競争だけが支配していた香港の学校改修市場に、カンペがその技術力を以って参入するマイルストーンとなります。
In June 2015, Kansai Paint was pleased to have received an invitation from Hong Kong Architectural Services Departments (ArchSD) for co-hosting a seminar by the scheme of continual professional development (CPD) – a knowledge sharing session with the industry.
The key topic of the seminar was to point
out various common problems found in substrates due to existing structural
flaws or improper maintenance. Through videos and live demonstration, the
technical aspects of prolonging building lifespan, in which the methods are
advanced, eco-friendly, safe and economical, were introduced. Employing such
methods will benefit the society, as fewer construction waste will be produced,
less resources and expenditures will be required. Another topic in discussion
was the introduction of Kansai Paint’s latest researches and innovations,
including aluminum panel and tiles restoration.

Videos were shown during the seminar, depicting existing problems in buildings

Live demonstrations with overwhelming responses

Participants took the initiative to ask about Kansai Paint innovations in the post-seminar discussion