Booming Demand for Kansai Paint Fluorine Products!!
前回ご紹介しましたSOGOでのフッ素採用は、実は関西ペイント社が香港でフッ素の販売を 急速に伸ばしている事例のひとつに過ぎません。昨年から我々のフッ素塗料の出荷は大きく 伸長しており、特に品質を重視するお客様からの注目を浴びております。
そもそも塗料の組成で骨幹となるのは樹脂だということは常識ですが、日本の塗料メーカーでその樹脂を自社で製造しているメーカーは非常に少なく、ほとんどのメーカー(塗料供給 会社)は外部から購入した樹脂に顔料や添加剤を混ぜる、いわゆる“混ぜ屋さん”なのです。
もちろん、関西ペイント社は自社でその樹脂をたいておりますので、お客様のご要望や市場の必要性に応じた塗料を柔軟に設計することができますし、当然ながら品質管理においても、 単に既製品を混ぜているだけの塗料供給会社とは一味違います。
今回ご紹介する物件の幾つかは政府物件であり、政府内部にも目を開いてものを観る方々が 増えてきていることを証明しております。
The fluorine coating adoption in Causeway
Bay SOGO, which we have previously introduced, is in fact only one of our job
references that gives prominence to Kansai Paint fluorine products. Judging by
the amount of enquiries received and the batches of fluorine products shipments
made ever since last year, it is evident that our sales volume of fluorine
resin products in Hong Kong is rapidly expanding, especially when Hong Kong
clients place high importance on material quality.
Resin binder is naturally what determines
the most important film properties of paint - adhesive strength, durability, wear
and abrasion resistance, gloss level, and drying time, etc. Only few
manufacturers produce raw materials by themselves. Most manufacturers (paint
suppliers) only mix pigments and additives with purchased resin. To hold in
check with product quality, Kansai Paint adhere to produce their own resin components,
which makes Kansai Paint products all the more flexible. To cater to clients’
needs and demands, the function and performance of the paint can be adjusted at
will. This ability to freely modify formulas gives various technical advantages
to our products, which further distinguishes us between other manufacturers, for
the latter simply “mix” what are readily available, whereas Kansai Paint holds
the knowledge and technology to customize. It is the little details as tiny as
resin that make such big difference.
Hong Kong as being a mature construction
market knows well about the significance of having resin of outstanding quality
in paint, and clients consider Kansai Paint as their reliable partner based on
their trust in our technology and quality.
Herewith, we would like to introduce few
projects with our fluorine products in both the government and private sectors.
This is proof that people are opening their eyes to what makes a “real”
manufacturer, and that it will be difficult for other manufacturers to catch up
It is our goal and mission to paint the world with Kansai Paint’s state-of-the-art technology!
► Featured in our previous entry was our Causeway Bay SOGO project
using Kansai Paint's fluorine coating system on aluminum claddings.
The following are some completion photos of our other fluorine projects,
which cater to different substrate and condition needs, as requested by our clients.
▼ Tin Shui Wai Sports Ground
▼North District Town Hall
▼Sheung Shui Disciplined Service Quarters
▼Caravelle Villa, located in the high-end residential area in Kowloon Tong
▼ 133 Wai Yip Street, an industrial building redevelopment project as previously introduced