Large Scale Projects
One of the attractive points to run projects in the private market of Hong Kong is the project size. In general, projects having the size of a couple thousand to 10,000 square meters is rather common in Hong Kong. Sometimes, the numbers may go even bigger than that! With these projects at hand, we have got many opportunities to specify our unique products for each different application area. For instance, while it has been confirmed to use an ordinary paint such as polyurethane, silicone, or fluorine for the external walls at the project site, the façade, elevator halls and entrances could still get a little playful touch for the décor, giving extra attention to details. For such case, our special decorative coating systems would come in super handy, e.g. texture, heat-insulation paint, prefabricated sheet-type material, etc. This inspires our sales staffs to promote outstanding products rather than the conventional kind of paint. Involving in the design process for mixing and matching diverse materials has also sparked their motivation.
It is normal for projects of such large scale to undergo several phases of planning, which may take two to three years and sometimes even nearly a decade before its actual commencement. Therefore, our persons-in-charge have to constantly keep themselves in touch and updated regarding the status of each project, albeit some might have become dormant.
▼ Joyful Villas – Total Application Area of approx. 48,000 sqm, and still in progress!

▼ Aside from Hong Kong staff, Japan representatives attach great importance to these large scale projects

▼ King Ming Court – Total Application Area of approx. 45,000 sqm

▼ Project and Engineering Team performed on-site mock-ups at different areas, in order to let property owners learn more about our product quality and specification

From a technical point of view, we have to pay careful attention to the project specification in details, since one tiny mistake can cause fatal influence to the project completion and outcome. Bearing this close in mind, we have to provide the best services at all times in terms of quality assurance and price. As a Japanese manufacturer, our clients expect significant results from us in our works. We work diligently on colour design, on-site mock-up, and technical support in order to retain with high standard.
▼ Ap Lei Chau Centre – Total Application Area of approx. 29,000 sqm

▼ Mr. Kakuda frequently visits construction sites to check on project status, ensuring each project is progressing smoothly

▼ Carson Mansion - Total Application Area of approx. 28,000 sqm

▼ Aside from site inspections, Mr. Kakuda will often take a hands-on approach to site management, as means to further investigate substrate condition and work procedure

▼ Mayfair Gardens – Total Application Area of approx. 25,000 sqm

▼ Mr. Kakuda, Project and Engineering Team, as well as Sales Team will perform frequent visits, not only to observe, but to evaluate the works by getting really involved!

▼ Jadeview Court – Total Application Area of approx. 13,000 sqm

▼ Mr. Kakuda performing on-site step samples mock-up; Mr. Kakuda checking equipment status

As a member of the worldwide paint manufacturers, it is an overwhelming contentment to see ourselves having completed these mega size projects!