Two Large Scale Zolacoat Projects Commenced!!
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ゾラコートが関西ペイントの意匠型塗料の中でその存在価値を香港市場に於いて高めている ことはたびたびご紹介しておりますが、今回、新たに大型物件が2つ始まりました。
ひとつは千里台という郊外の高級住宅地にある物件で、この物件では合計3色、12,000㎡の ゾラが外壁に使用されます。
• 過去の特集
We have recently commenced two large scale Zolacoat projects, one of which is Sheeny Terrace located in a luxury neighbourhood of North Kowloon. It has been confirmed that three colours of our granite-like Zolacoat will be used, covering approximately 12,000 sqm of external area. Another project is Homantin Plaza. Our factory plants have been busy for the mass production of the paint material required.
▼ Our Zolacoat colour plan design at Sheeny Terrace

▼ Homantin Plaza

While the owners and architects for each project is different, they share the same concept, with the same perception of our Zolacoat, that “although it is merely paint, it is still luxury.”
For instance, the incorporated owners (I.O.) of Sheeny Terrace were seeking for a system which would add value to their already worn-out mosaic tiled building without an extreme high cost. They once considered adopting a re-tiling system. Yet, due to the high cost, long duration, and numerous nuisance, they finally decided it would not be the most doable option.
And so they came to the conclusion by our proposal, that “even paint can achieve luxury finishing, if it is Kansai Paint.
▼ Pig cutting ceremony at Sheeny Terrace

Of course, I.O and the architects would have checked our job references, to carefully compare similar but different products from other suppliers with ours. Eventually, they nominated only our Zolacoat on their list to immediately start their renovation.
Still, we need to retain our effort with regards to quality control on-site and it is definitely not an easy task. However, we are proud of our product, something only we can achieve in the market as a manufacturer, and we are grateful that people selected our special finishing in their properties.
▼ Kansai Paint technicians came from Japan to Sheeny Terrace for site inspection with Mr. Kakuda

When we get these jobs well done, we may update this topic again for projects completion. Hope to deliver more good news to you all soon.
Warmest greetings from us Kansai Paint, wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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