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この手を見てください。化粧気のない普通の手です。 でもこの手がお客様の信頼を勝ち取って多くの売上を我々に届けているのです。

この前お客様に言われました。「おたくの社員の手はみんな綺麗だね」 意味をはかりかねていると、こう説明を続けられました。「最近はセールスでも内勤でも、女性はみんなマニキュアをしている。みんな派手で、我々建築の業界で働く人間には違和感を感じる。設計ならともかく、メーカーの人間が塗り板やカタログよりも派手な格好や爪でプレゼンをしても好ましくないし、業務の女の子の派手な爪でタイプされたものを見ると、神経がそっちに行って間違いがあるんではないかと心配になる。SVも工事管理とは思えない、華美な服で現場に来て、汚れることを気にして管理に集中していない。その点、おたくの社員はそんな派手さはないけど、地道な良い仕事をしているよね。」と。



 • 過去の特集

Please look at this hand. Dirty, scraggy awful hand.However, it is what protects our buildings and project sites.

Please look at this hand. Skinny, tiny hand. However, it is what meticulously creates and manages high volume of accurate documents daily.

Please look at this hand. Simple unfashionable hand. However, it is what fights through sales games to win the trust of clients day by day.

Some client told me “your staffs have beautiful hands.” First, I could not speak any, for I could not catch his meaning. He continues. “We are working in the building industry and here is one place which constitutes of the most stubborn and conservative.” Recently, some sales gave me product sample boards and catalogues with their manicured hands. More polished and decorative than the sample boards they gave me. Some administrative clerks passed me documents with their manicured hands. We fear if she concentrates on how her nails look rather than how accurate her paper work turned out. Some project supervisors go to the sites with very good-looking clothes. They consciously avoid to touch any paint, not wanting to dirty their clothes. He keeps going. “Your staffs, no one does like that. Indeed, it reflects their job style – sincere and steady.”

I, too, now noticed their hands. Yes, it was true. No one put any efforts to fancy up themselves with extraordinary fashion. All of my staffs know how we have to strive to behave as professionals, to enhance their skills rather than their visual appearances.

We are proud of their hands, although not embellished, their hands are what create and hold our future.

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